
Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor would like to extend its gratitude to all contributors. Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor’s supporters are in no way responsible for, and do not necessarily endorse, the material contained in our reporting.

In 2023, contributions to Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor were provided by*:

  • Government of Australia 
  • Government of Austria 
  • Government of Canada
  • Government of France 
  • Government of Germany
  • Government of New Zearland
  • Government of Norway 
  • Government of Switzerland 
  • Governement of the United States of America** 
  • Holy See 

We also thank the donors who have contributed to the organizational members of the Monitoring and Research Committee and other participating organizations.

Contribute to our unique, civil society-based research and monitoring.

* List accurate as of 1 November 2023.

** Specifically for research on impact (contamination, casualties, clearance, risk education, and victim assistance) and support for mine action.