Landmine Monitor 2004


We will add more country translations as they become available - use the page monitor to be notified when this page is updated. Should you have in your possession translations not listed here please inform us at  

The main document translations are listed in the table below, country report translations are listed by language at the bottom.

PDF and Word versions of the translated Key Developments, Major Findings and Executive Summary are available on the print page. If your computer is not able to read non-latin pages your should still be able to view the PDF documents correctly.

Major Findings  (0,1 Mb) Resultats cles  Not Available Основные Достижения Principales Hallazgos Japanese | Khmer | Dutch 
Norwegian | Turkish
Key Developments Not Available
Executive Summary
(Includes the regional overviews)
 (1.7 Mb) Synthèse
 (0.8 Mb)
 Not Available  (2 Mb) Resumen
 (0.6 Mb)
Maps   French Maps     Spanish Maps  
: Microsoft Word Document     : PDF/Adobe Acrobat Reader document   
Some of the languages using non-latin alphabets will only be available as PDF, meaning they should display and print on any system having Acrobat Reader installed. Until they are available in HTML/web format the other languages will be listed with alink to MS Word or PDF documents.  

Country Reports

Arabic | French/Français | Portuguese | Russian | Spanish/Español | Other languages

Arabic country reports

All as Adobe Acrobat/PDF documents, less than 500 Kb unless other is mentioned. These should show on any computer using Adobe Acrobat.

Translations by Protection, Egypt

French country reports

All francophone africa country translation by Club International pour la Recherche de la Paix-CIRP, Cameroun and Valérie Pucheu. Coordination of proof reading by Sylvie Brigot, ICBL and Handicap International Belgium. 

Portuguese country reports

Russian country reports

  • Abkhazia (240 Kb) (Translation provided by the Abkhazian Campaign to Ban Landmines)
  • belarus

Spanish country reports

More Coming...

Country reports in other languages